Room 3 went out to enjoy an Autumn day. Here are some of the stories that they wrote, using their senses to describe what they experienced.
Today our class went to see what it was like on an Autumn day. We saw mushy snow up on the mountains. We heard leaves crackling under our feet. We smelt fresh air. We felt veins of delicate leaves. Autumn is exquisite!
By Toby
Today we went outside to experience an Autumn day. I saw bare trees. I heard cars. I smelt the cold air. I touched leaves. Sometimes playing in the leaves are fun!
By James
Today we went outside to experience an Autumn day. I saw snow on brown mountains. I heard baby birds chirping. I smelt smoke. I touched tatty leaves. I like Autumn because you get to play in the leaves.
By Neo
Today we went outside to experience an Autumn day. We heard birds chirping. We saw bare trees. I smelt air. We touched crackling leaves. I’m upset because winter is coming.
By Corbin.
Today we went outside to experience an Autumn day. I smelt some leaves and some trees. I touched some leaves and they are smooth. I heard the little leaves moving in the wind. I like the wind blowing the leaves.
By Taylor
Today we went outside to experience an Autumn day. I saw leaves crunching. I heard birds chirping. I smelt fresh air and I felt the cold wind. I was very cold outside.
By Zoe
Today we went outside to experience an Autumn day. We saw leaves falling from the trees. We heard birds chirping. We smelt air from the sky. We all touched tatty leaves. I like Autumn because we get to play with leaves.
By Genesis