Sunday, August 31, 2008

Grandad's Surprise

It's hard to believe it is all over. What a fantastic show! Every class performed amazingly. Room 3 made Miss Taylor extremely proud. They worked so hard and gave it their all. Well done Room 3 you were GREAT!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Digestive System

In topic this term we learnt about the Digestive System. We made a person and showed their digestive system out of plasticine. We loved making our people!

By Room 3

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dress Rehearsal

Today we had our dress rehearsal. We were all a bit nervous and excited all at the same time. We looked really good in our costumes. It was so much fun!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Our Pen Friends

Room 3 are lucky enough to be Pen Friends with a class in Tauranga. Miss Taylor's best friend Miss Steer is teaching up in Tauranga and they had a brillant idea for our classes to be Pen Friends. The children we are writing to go to Fairhaven Primary School and they are a year 1 class. We were amazed to hear they have 18 classrooms and 500 students! We have really enjoyed getting letters from them and also writing to them about what has been happening in Room 3.

Tom's Story about Production

I have practised our class production for many days. I am the leader of the second line. I do clapping up in the air and hop to one foot and to the other foot. I am one of the six boys to run around the girls and look like a warrior. I am excited about the parents watching me. I feel very excited about it!

By Tom P.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Room 3 children perfecting their dance and organsing their costumes.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Visitors to Room 3

We were lucky enough to have 7 black labrador puppies come to visit us. Miss T was very excited as she would have loved to keep one. They were so cute and cuddly.

Room 3 hard at work.

Room 3 students showing how they work really hard.

Cross Country

This is Room 3 training for the cross country.